How to promote yourself using twitter/X

Welcome to the modern world of basketball recruiting. Who knows how many social media accounts you’re currently running, browsing, and consuming but if you don’t already have it, you’re about to add another to the collection. Twitter/X is THE resource for basketball recruiting for coaches and scouts. Here players promote themselves with clips of their play, stats and more to slowly improve your name recognition amongst these decision-makers who are constantly looking for talent. Let’s run through some tips to get you up and running so you can start building a name for yourself.

Create Account

First up, sign up and make yourself a profile - Create Account

  • Make your handle some variation of your first and last name. Coaches need to be able to search this.

  • Your profile picture should be one of you playing basketball in uniform

  • Your bio should include all relevant recruiting information. E.g. your height, position, Australia, your GPA if appropriate (e.g. 6’4 SG, Australia, 2.7 GPA)

  • Under website, you should include a link to your Highlight Tape or a recruiting profile page if you have one


The next step is to follow as many coaches in your projected level


Post your Highlight Tape via YouTube link and write a post to describe what it is, maybe where the majority was filmed (a particular tournament, on an AAU Tour, throughout rep season etc.)

Coach Communication

If your video gets RT by a coach or another account, make sure to thank them in a Tweet and follow their account.

  • If any coach follows you back, you should directly introduce yourself.

  • Getting every college coach to follow you on Twitter/X is time-consuming. However, you can update your Twitter/X account to receive DMs from people you aren’t following. Depending on the phone you’re using, either tap the gear icon in your β€œMe” tab, click on the navigation menu or click on your profile icon. Select β€œSettings” and tap β€œPrivacy and content.” Next to β€œReceive Direct Messages from anyone,” either slide the twitch or check the box to enable the feature.

What are some other good things you can do?

  • Posting highlights (even chopping up your highlight tape into small clips)

  • Workout clips

  • Game clips

  • Motivational quotes

  • Congratulating teammates or retweeting their clips/accomplishments (can show you are a good teammate)

  • Retweeting pro athletes

  • Posting academic achievements

In Summary

Can Twitter/X help me? Yes. When used properly, players can use Twitter/X to increase their chance of being recruited by college coaches. Take initiative. Follow and interact with the Twitter/X accounts of the schools you are most interested in being recruited. Remember, coaches monitor student-athlete tweets and use Twitter/X to communicate with recruits and share information about their program. NCAA Twitter/X rules allow coaches to reach out to recruits once their appropriate contact period begins. Be sure your Twitter/X account settings are ready to receive DMs from college coaches.


How to communicate with coaches?